Our Mission
Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of teen deaths [Source: CDC]. Many of those those crashes are the result of sheer inexperience. Involved, informed parents have long been considered the most influential factor in promoting safe teen driving. The mission of Partners for Safe Teen Driving is to help communities develop a parent education program, so that parents can guide their children through the first perilous years of driving.
Partners for Safe Teen Driving
Partners for Safe Teen Driving is an economical, systematic, and easily implemented program that enables school divisions and communities to give parents the information and tools they need to help their teens become safer drivers. It is a community health initiative that involves all aspects of your community with the goal of preventing serious crashes, injuries and fatalities.
All of the information needed to begin a parent awareness/training program is available on this web site. School divisions and communities that would like more information about starting a Safe Teen Driving program may call Prince William County Public Schools at (703) 791-7270. You are also invited to attend a parent education seminar to see how it works. A packet of information is available to help get you started. This information can and should be tailored to develop a safe teen driving program specific to your community. The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, Virginia Department of Education, and Prince William County Public Schools have partnered to create the resources you need to begin a similar program.
It’s important to note that the Partners for Safe Teen Driving program is FREE to your community. The only costs of offering the program is your time.
Much is at stake! The key to preventing teenage injuries and fatalities is to get the community, and especially parents, informed and involved. We can’t afford to wait!