Parent/Teen Driving Agreement
Parents and teens should consider establishing an agreement about driving. An agreement helps avoid any misunderstandings concerning family driving rules and allows parents and teens to come to agreement on vehicle use and operation and the consequences for breaking any of these rules. Driving can be a risky activity, but in addition, teens may need some guidance from parents to help understand the realities and costs of driving, insurance, and maintaining a car.
A number of organizations that promote safe teen driving have parent-teen driving contracts. Parents may want to look at the web site of their insurance company for information about teen driving and many have driving contacts. The following are a few examples:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) -
Virginia Department of Education 45-Hour Parent/Teen Driving Guide on pages 40-45
The following is another sample form:
Parent/Teen Driving Agreement
Financial responsibilities for vehicle costs (indicate who pays and how much)
Fuel: Parent $_______ Teen $_______
Maintenance: Parent $______ Teen $______
Taxes and Registration: Parent $______ Teen $______
- Insurance: Parent $______ Teen $______
Maintenance responsibilities (indicate who has the responsibility for each item below)
Checking vehicle fluids: Parent ______ Teen ______
Checking tire pressure: Parent ______ Teen ______
Cleaning vehicle interior: Parent ______ Teen ______
Cleaning vehicle exterior: Parent ______ Teen ______
- Cleaning vehicle windows: Parent ______ Teen ______
As a beginning driver I agree to:
Wear my seat belt when driving a motor vehicle and require those in a vehicle I am operating to wear their seat belts. If I do not comply the consequence will be:
Do well in school academically and behaviorally. If I do not comply, the consequence will be:
Obey traffic laws and drive safely at all times. If I do not comply the consequence will be:
Agree not to drink and drive. If I do not comply the consequence will be:
Comply with my curfew. If I do not comply the consequence will be:
Comply with passenger restrictions. If I do not comply the consequence will be:
Provide my parents/guardians with my destination and time of return. If I do not comply the consequence will be:
Not allow others to drive my vehicle. If I do not comply the consequence will be:
Call if I will be late. If I do not comply the consequence will be:
- Behave responsibly and be a courteous driver. If I do not comply the consequence will be:
As the parent I agree to:
- Be patient
- Teach proper driving techniques
- Provide a safe and reliable motor vehicle for my child
- Make sure my child drives in accordance with the laws of the road and the vehicle laws of Virginia
- Not allow my child to drive when he/she is physically, mentally or otherwise not able to drive safely
- Teach my child to be a courteous driver:
Signature of Beginner Driver: ______________________
Signature of Parent: ______________________